
Not so Democratic thoughts

The idea of democracy was a simple one: make this world fairer and a more serious one. A good principle, but also a common one to any political ideology, that makes, to one opinion, all system to be fair depending of one thing: the man in front of it.

Is unfortunately that feelings is now what runs the world and not the opinion of the most elevated of our societies, but there is no action without consequence, and how can the ‘’more elevated’’ of our society demand for trust from the rest of us when the rest of us has been living and accepting corruption, deceive, lies and unacceptable behaviour for so many years? 

After a few books, I become no expert in politics, or anything else for that matter, but it is a easy conclusion to see, when pairing the books with a newspaper or a watching the political situation of the world, is becoming shameless one. It seem mobs are purposely going against a tired journalism that can not find enough arguments or facts to defend their opinions. A journalism that should, at all times, be honest and in service of society, but is nothing more than sensationalism and only explores what sells, forgetting, till is too late, the purpose of free journalism itself. Make democracy more honest.

How come is so shocking to see the rise of extreme right in so many countries? Is it not expected to have a reaction after years of ‘’open minds’’ that accepts everything? Countries with no direction, that try to impose an irrational social state that demands 40% of tax payers sweat and life?

All these demands are possible only because we live in times of peace, that allows us to look over of such things, but when democracy turns to more radical politicians, we should not blame ignorance, we should blame the ‘elevated ones’ that made the crowd feel that they had no other valid option than an extreme leader to make themselves heard.  Is hard to be free when either you think with the current or you are a plain idiot. If you don’t think how you ‘should’…

Tabu is no longer sex, like it was 100 years ago, Tabu is having opinions about politics, religion, racism, where you say what is acceptable or you are seen as outcast, as a poor ignorant, because we simply live in a society that doesn’t know how to behave when we disagree.

Democracy isn’t failing, once again, people did. The abuse of trust, and therefore power, is one of the most damaging actions in any organisation, and when is abused people turn their face from it. Leading to extreme behaviour, not because it is right, but because people are desperate.

There is no doubt that the last 2 years and the next 10 will be hard ones, where society will seek for balance once again, just hope that this time not a lot of people suffer. But I guess suffering is part of life, and all changes will require sacrifice. Lets hope the world does change for the best, but lets be honest, something that is missing in the world, there is no such thing as a perfect society, neither will never be. Because our imperfect society is nothing more than a reflection of us, imperfect people.

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