
Is as idiotic one that just believes in religion as the one that just believes in Science.

     My life in London is coming to an end. After this great country, at great effort, made me a better man than the one I was before I arrive at these shores, I become more worried to understand society and people. I am not a phycologist or even a wise man, as probably the rest of the text will show, but I like to see myself as an observant of the day to day life of the world, of different cultures, the different nuances that make the times of today.

I have been comparing the human rights issues of today with the human rights issues of the past and the difference of the quantity of pulp from one to another is shocking. People fought to prevent horror and death, we now fight to defend one from emotional susceptibility. It is rather sad that we try to find in any small injustice a moral opinion created by our own dogma.

We are not allowed to say this, and that, afraid of the social judgment of what is politically correct, and the coward attack from a social network. The opinions of those digital friends that are so close to us because they have been putting likes in our food pictures since 2009, as the social network like to remember us. “There is nothing sadder than a child in a body of a grown man” (xhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kasiov0ytEc), these words were said by Professor Jordan Peterson, and then attacked by a fundamentalist with an unbalance emotionality and a foggy view of what human rights really are.

I will dare to re-adjust the sentence of Professor Jordan Peterson to this: “There is nothing sadder than an irresponsible person”, and the way the subject is been discussed it is putting unethical, unreasonable pressure to a generation that is already losing its skills to talk with other people. We need to be conscious to what will be the consequence of discussing subjects like social ethics in such an irresponsible way. How can one know what hurts x or y? And should we always behave in a robotic way and have just superficial conversations such as sex and the weather to avoid any emotion? What is the gain of all this when now political and religious conversations are no longer possible as I feel, people no longer able to discuss subjects as such without being uncontrolled enrage. 

Flash news: Life is tuff, life hurts. There is no law that can protect from that. But it also gives a lot of satisfaction and happiness. Everything is in balance.

This brings me to the reason of why I named this entry as I did. Science and religious have been leaving in war since the raise of the importance of science in society. But the religious matter is a feeling, a sensation while science is the knowledge of the physical world. Is it so impossible for both of them to co-exist peacefully? Or will they always have to leave divided? Even when, in certain subjects, they can’t agree on. The unethical and aggressive evolution of technology, show us clearly “Maxima liberdade, maxima responsabilidade”. My mum utter these words repeatedly when I was irresponsible about something or someone. They mean: maximum freedom, maximum responsibility and I take them in my heart in everything I do today. As science grow free of a world extremely religious, shouldn’t have grown to be better that the world of religion? Not the same extreme. “People that don’t believe in science are stupid”, this an absurdity as science is something in constant evolution. As religion by that matter. As life itself. So as these circled discussion will continue we can’t forget the main point for society to be created: That we together can make everything better, no matter who you are, what you look like and what you believe.

Our differences is what makes our society so dynamic, so versatile. And like science and religion will keep evolving, so we need to be much more responsible to understand that words uttered in rage will provoke a violent reaction on others and/or eradication of values that we should never loose as it took great sacrifice of the human species to obtain them. We need to be focusing in making a better world for future generations, as a cleaner world, consume less, to learn how to disagree and how to make whatever work. Discuss, yes, please Discuss everything without boundaries, but loose the excessive sensitivism that transform free speech in to bully behaviour.  This is a seriously issue.

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